Re: [NetEpic ML] Hardware book news and a (small) rant

From: <magnus_at_...>
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 13:37:02 -0000

> Not everyone has time like you and I for one am working long hours,

He, nice, I work too but anyway.

> I appreciate your efforts as I am sure many others do, but like
> Incoming this job doesnt get many thanks for it however that doesnt
> mean you take it out on others as I find that annoying considering
> I am in the same boat as you.

Oh boy. If my little ramble means I'm "taking it out on others", I
can't imagine what you think of the average internet flame :-))

The rant was actually meant as an encouragement. The first draft of
the NetEpic book was posted on 11/14. So it has been three weeks with
two contributors. Even assuming that sending pics my way is too much
work, I cannot see how the same can be told of posting a note to the
effect of "Hey, you know, the E40K vehicles came with a modular
design, so you really should get ahold of the catalogue pages and put
in pictures of the constituent components". A worst case estimate
puts this to a 60 seconds "workload", assuming a slow typer.

I was hoping to access the collective Epic knowledge of the group to
bring this project home. Apparently, barring a few exceptions, the
group doesn't care enough... too bad. Rest assured that I will do my
best in any case :-)

Received on Tue Dec 07 2004 - 13:37:02 UTC

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