Re: [NetEpic ML] grey knights

From: cibernyam <cibernyam_at_...>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 11:20:51 +0100

> In any case, I think "normally-equipped" GK don't make sense
> fluffwise. Just about the only rational explanation which could be made
> is that power armour may be better than termie armour in certain
> conditions. Otherwise, why bother fielding them in less than perfect
> equipment, considering the difficulty of finding and training one? I
> doubt that any GK is untrained to use termie armour anyway.

Well, I think that given the fact there's full SM power armour squad for
every single terminator as in any chapter, I would rather expect them
appearing more often. Although I must say that for surgical operations in
difficult and stressing environments it might be more useful a squad of
termies. But since there numbers are so limited ( a hundred guys for the
whole universe) and considering the more or less "wide open" situation of
most NetEpic fights, the use of fast deploying GK in power armour with
Rhinos and Land Raiders could be also worth if no teleporting termies were
available. Nevertheless, we should not forget that 'normal' SM are
superhumans and 'normal' power armour is the best fighting armour in the
universe save for termies, squat exo armours and *maybe* Tau or Slann mecha.
Sometimes, the incredible might of terminator units makes us forget the
extreme value of 'normal' marines.

> "Realistically" speaking, you'd want to use GK in search and destroy
> missions, or to investigate / infiltrate / sabotage potential chaos
> infestations long before they reach the "field battle" stage. If things
> have deteriorated to the "we must send a whole army" point, it makes
> much more sense just sending a few more of those volcano cannon-
> equipped superheavies instead, unless you stipulate some fluff reason
> (e.g. "physically destroying the demon will just banish it back to the
> warp, if you want to kill it for good you need the psychic kickass guys").

Still the Grey Knights are the least SM chapter of all. They belong to the
Ordo Maellus rather than the SM community. But in any case, the ordo Maellus
list uses GK, specially trained adeptus arbites and liner troops which must
be mentally 'rebooted' after each campaign. IIRC the usual tactic was a mass
planetary bombardment to eliminate the most of Chaos 'conventional' forces
followed by a direct intervention of the OrdoMaellus forces to directly deal
with daemons. In case there was more resistance expected sometimes the IG is
called to help with the rest. But due to the fragility of usual troopmind
against daemons, this help is seldom used, since these minds the later
'purification' of all non-Ordo Maellus forces.

> That said, I agree that fielding small epic GK detachments is cool, but
> any rule for them should necessarily keep in mind that:
> A) they're rare (and thus pricey, and GK companies are out of the
> question)

Completely agree. A GK devastator detachment at 350+100= 450 points is not
what I would call a bargain (even a GK bike Squad a 150+50 = 200 points is
not so cheap). I think company size units and special units should be only
available as part of the Ordo Maellus army list if is ever done.

> B) it makes sense to field them against chaos, not against anybody
> else

I think that's completely clear. GK chapter sole purpose is the fight
against daemons.

Received on Tue Dec 14 2004 - 10:20:51 UTC

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