Re: [NetEpic ML] BaneLord Questions

From: Toma Diener <peyoterattle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 20:18:05 -0000

--- In, Peter Ramos <primarch_at_c...> wrote:
> Jarreas Underwood wrote:

I feel so much Better knowing now I wasn't being Silly, Slow, or
Obtuse: if Peter and Yar both had completely different understandings
on this subject, it must have been actually a bit confusing after all!!!!


ReB T'oma

--- In, Peter Ramos <primarch_at_c...> wrote:
> Hi!
> You've summarized pretty much what I think needs to be done.
> Just have "generic" titan legions for chaos AND chaos specific ones
>from CJ included (optional or not to be decided).

   Optional is probably best for a short 'evaluation' period, but I'm
going to advocate a move to Core status in the near future: there is
simply too much History to let this Languish as 'optional'.

> Toma Diener wrote:
> >if this is in fact Uncharted Territory, I have a counter-proposal:
> >
> > We should create Renegade Titan Legions that follow the design
> >principles of Loyalist Titan Legions: essentially a Renegade Adeptus
> >Mechanicus list for all Titans (except for the existing Slaanesh
> >Scouts and The BaneLord which would remain legal choices exactly as
> >written (Army Specific at the given points cost) . Additionally: the
> >WarLord, Reaver and WarHound suppost cards remain exactly as written
> >representing soul survivors of Lost Legios or somesuch..).
> >
> >the Benefit of this strategy: no changes needed to the Existing Chaos
> >Book except a notation regarding Chaos Legions as allies. the Chaos
> >Titan Legion book would require minimal effort to construct, being
> >essentially identical to the existing Adeptus Mechanicus Codex...
> >
> >....Off the top of My Head, the existing Chaos Legions included the
> >Flaming Skulls (Khorne IIRC) and the StormLords (Tzeentch I think),
> >Deaths' Heads (Gnurgle) and ????? (Slaanesh), and the FireMasters
> >(MaLaaL IIRC), all from Adeptus Titanicus.
> >
> >Titan Legions added Legion of Festering Death under Bubonicus
> >(Gnurgle) (issue 9 of CJ), the Sons of Damnation under Skylock
> >(Tzeentch: CJ 10)and of course: Abominatus (Khorne) whose Legion
> >Affiliation I don't recall--
> >
> >
> >(Now I'm going to have to page through all those old WD's to research
> >this stuff Darn! ;> )
> >
> >
> >( As a point of Reference: I currently run 6 Slaanesh WarLords, 7
> >Gnurgle WarLords, 8 Khorne WarLords, and 9 Gnurgle WarLords with a
> >smattering of Reavers {my underlying logic is that all the Smaller
> >Titans would have been Consumed by the larger ones: did I mention
> >that I really like Evangelion???}. I have models representing Each
> >of the 'Character' Titans (above) and a WarLord 'Character' for
> >Slaanesh and Khorne, and Malaal. On top of that: I have been working
> >on a Imperator for each of the Five Powers. You may think that I'm a
> >dreamer, but I'm not the only one: I know of two other individuals
> >off the top of my head who have dedicated Chaos Titan Legions...)
> >
> >
> >
> >
Received on Fri Apr 08 2005 - 20:18:05 UTC

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