--- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_m...>
wrote:T'oma wrote:
> Short answer: no. Maybe in version 6.
you mean 'Gold' I tale it? Fair enough!
> >Power specific as far as 'flavor text' yes. Are the actual
> >game-mechanic effects extractable for new 'generic' Chaos Weapons?
> Technically, yes. But there are a few other issues involved. For one
>thing, I'd have to come up with new generic names and flavor text, as
>"Beam of Power" and "Stream of Corruption" are a little too specific,
the floor is Open for Generic Names: the Power-Specific names include
9but are not limited too):
Plague Cannon: '100cm' '8bp' =
1-3 template dissipates
4-5 template remains affecting all that touch it
6+ template grows
(Basically a Chaos Titan mekboy pulsa rocket IMO)
Rot Spitter '50 cm' '8 attack die' 'to hit 4+' 'save -1'
corrupting spittle '25cm' '1attackdie' ' '-2save'
lightning cannon '50cm' '4attackdie' 'to hit 4+' 'save-2'
beam of power '75cm' '1attack die' 'to hit3+' 'save-4'
magic of tzeentch '50cm' '4bp' 'save mod-1'
basicallY; switces control af affected unit to Chaos Player
Winged Death Swoop: basically: an Ork lifta-droppa requiring the Titan
to touch a model to execute.
I also think the Chaos Titan Attributes could be extrapolated to make
a Titan Reward deck similair to the existing chaos deck...
>then I'd have to come up with balanced costs for them all.
isn't there a spreadsheet that automatically does that?
>Second, I'd have to change all the templates to read what the
>location was instead of what it is now.
don't understand exactly what you are saying here...
> I'm spending enough time editing this puppy as it is - I'm not eager
to increase my workload.
Spread the work around a bit, Yar! You are 'Editor-in-Chief', not Peon.
You aren't supposed to be overwhelmed: this is what we do for Fun
anybody else but me able to help Yar...? (My computer issues will
probably get too much in the way: but I can at least do data-entry and
spell check: I'm quite profficient in English, as well, and can help
with wording obtuse passages....)
ReB T'oma
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Received on Mon Apr 11 2005 - 20:09:42 UTC