Re: [NetEpic ML] Epic Flyer Idea

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 20:07:15 -0400


I would suggest testing it and posting the results. :-)


Brian Dean wrote:

>This is something T'oma and i have been kicking around for about two
>weeks about the vampire flyer transport. The current Tau discussion
>about flyers and transports got me thinking..
>We both didnt really like the idea of the normal eldar calling their
>transport a vampire, it really seemed like a dark eldar thing to do.
>Soooo, we have called it a Thunderbird (as thomas likes to call it,
>a falcon-couger-thunderbird). I up'pd the ante and said hey, since
>we are not using the normal model (i only have one and he has just a
>few) why dont we give it a bigger troup capacity.(He has been using
>an Eldar Eclipse crusier from BFG). I had thought about this with
>him and we more or less came up with something a bit differnt. It
>can hold up to a company of guardians (foot sloggers only) or the
>same compliment of aspect warriors, ( i believe 16 stands instead of
>18 stands of guardians.)
>It would have a 3+ or 4+ holofield save and a few weapons for "troop
>dispersal" on it like a single pulsar from a Scorpion or revanant.
>That way it can "clear" the ground so it can disgorge its troops.
>this may never make it to the eldar list, or even the optionals book
>but i believe we are going to play around with the Idea.
>Brian,, Sensei of the Warp Runners
>Warlock Karthean to visiting inquisitor:
>"whadda ya mean your revoking my Black Libarary card, i turned in
>all my past due ancient literary referances"
Received on Fri Apr 15 2005 - 00:07:15 UTC

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