Re: [NetEpic ML] Orks

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 18:53:12 -0400


Jarreas Underwood wrote:

>There's an awful lot of stuff in the ork book that I highlighted as debatable, and I guess it's time to start debating it. Here's a list:
>1) Army construction. You have to buy a leader if you want more than two clans.
I like this rule. It gives a reason for leader, which otherwise doesnt
exist, and it also permits people to make theme specific armies like
"goffs" or "evil sunz", but obligates you to bring leaders.

>2) New unit: Onslaughter Dreadnaught
There are now two specific dreadnought models, one for the standard
heavier dreadnought and alighter version, just like it used to be under AT1.

>3) Optional Doomdiver Resolution table
Fine by me, the original rules were flaky and, at least for me, irksome.

>4) New unit: Trukk
There are two distinct models now. FW battlewagons that function as the
units always have and some "trukk" units that can serve as a specific
unit for more feral armies like snakebikes.

>5) Optional Bubble Chukka Resolution table
Anything that will make this unit get used more is a good thing in my
book. This is one of the least used units in the ork army. A simple rule
would go a long way in improving this.

>6) Mekboy Destrukta Rokkits Speedsta takes a hit on a misfire
Yes, the rules for all such type of units should be the same.

>7) Hop Splat unloading while moving
Sounds orky and fun.... ;-)

>8) New unit: Lobba
Good for feral armies.

>9) New unit: Zzap gun
No problems with this.

>10) Optional Pulsa Rokkit Resolution
Wow! Thats pretty good and simple. I'm definitely using this in my next
game. ;-)

>11) Optional Traktor Kannon Resolution
Good as optional rule.

>12) New unit: Landa
Since there is a new fanatic model for this, it was a needed addition.

>13) Optional Supa Rokkit Trans’ort range
A good alternate shortcut.

>14) Optional Mega-Gargant fires table
This was proposed quite a few times in the past and it was liked. I'd
like it included.

>15) 3 new Mekboy cards
There made by me, so nobody better complain..... ;-)

>16) Lots of changes in the Summary of Unit Statistics
The changes are mainly using "orky" type names, so this is cosmetic and
not a game stat issue. Others correspond with new units, which i have no
issue with either. Mostly all original units remained the same. No
comments otherwise.


>Decisions, decisions. Where shall we start?
 From the beginning..... ;-)

Received on Sat Apr 16 2005 - 22:53:12 UTC

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