Re: [NetEpic ML] NetEpic Convention: ...and Why Not...?

From: darius spano <dmanspano_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 08:47:01 -0700 (PDT)

Hi All,
If you want to have a convention tournament I would
suggest Historicon in Lancaster, PA this summer July
I would be up for it since I live 2 hours away and
they have a huge dealer area and literally hundreds of
tables and rooms to game in/on. I went with Hellreich
(older members know him) got some OOP epic bought a
NASCAR game, watch Starship Troopers demo by Mongoose.
About an hour from Philadelhia airport and 2.5 hours
from Maryland. Makes it tough on the West coast Net
Epic people but if anyone is up for it I will see what
I cn do about getting a table a room or whatever so we
could have a massive battle or tournament. I have 4
Net Epic players in my group and if people don't mind
sqeezing into 1 room as a HQ. Let me know becuase we
have an East Coast venue and 3 months to plan. I would
bring an 8'x4' battle board and my terrain. Just need
players who are interested.
Toma, good idea!!!!
--- Toma Diener <peyoterattle_at_...> wrote:
> Hello There-
> I have been thinking... < warning lights go off >
> Why doesn't the NetEpic group as a whole organize an
> Annual
> Convention? There are enough of Us 'Grown-Up' types
> that devote
> ourselves to this particulair Obsession...
> Why Don't we Do it ouselves?
> I've offered to HiJack AggieCon to no real response,
> and GamesDay is
> "Right Out" IMHO...
> ... I suspect we might get more "bites" if we staged
> something nearer
> Yar's Neck 'o' the Woods (Washington DC environs).
> If we started setting something up now (or the near
> future) for say,
> Summer 2006, we could do it, I do believe!!
> (Testify! Testify!!)
> For me at Least:
> An Annual "Gathering of the Clan" would be enough to
> create a 'Happy
> Spot' for the entire year!!
> (It would also be a good place to trade Models,
> Painting Techniques,
> and create a sense of Greater Community opening
> doors to New
> 'converts' to NetEpic)
> ...Thoughts...?
> "ReB T'oma, the Shaman'O'Gamin' "
> Memetic Engineer-Knight Kadosh
> Head Designer, Wabi-Sabi Games
> "If It's Wabi-Sabi, its Shabui Sho' 'Nuff!!"
> Lyrics are Here:
> Animated Video is Here:

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Received on Wed Apr 20 2005 - 15:47:01 UTC

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