--- MagnusLL <magnus_at_...> wrote:
> > I read ork hardwarebook: Great gargant have other
> variant which are
> > in "De Aneys" galerie(MK1,2)?
> >
> > Forge world model are not in ork book?
> The Ork hardware book available from the Epicentre
> is still in a very
> preliminary version. I have a big update almost
> ready, which will
> include many more units and pictures.
> > Have you right to complete this book with GW, or
> Forge World
> > picture?
> The books are not sponsored by GW. I *think* that
> I'd have the right
> to include lists of pictures for cataloguing
> purposes, but I certainly
> don't need the aggravation of a cease-and-desist
> letter from GW' s
> legal office. That's why the books come with a
> pretty extensive
> initial disclaimer, and why I'm always looking for
> home made pictures
> to substitute the ones taken from GW sources.
> > Will Citadel Journal be in hardware?
> The books are meant to represent every single
> different Epic unit ever
> produced by GW, where "different" = "cast from a
> unique mold". That's
> why E40K and E:A units get their own distinct
> entries (slightly
> modified molds, even if the E:A ones, for most
> practical purposes, are
> nothing more than recasts of the E40K vanilla
> variants).
> As far as I know, there's nothing in CJ which
> qualifies. The only
> thing I can think of right off the bat would be
> "Abominatus, despoiler
> of worlds" i.e. the chaos imperator titan variant.
> That is a
> conversion, though, not a proper mini, and thus it
> doesn't count [the
> Warmonger, by comparison, is included because it
> features several
> parts which were explicitly cast for this purpose].
> Anyone can get an
> Imperator, glue a good portion of metal bits and
> spikes on it, and
> come up with his own Abominatus (which would
> probably be much better
> looking than the goofy "official" version, but this
> is another matter
> altogether).
> Luca
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> Citadel Journal has also unit like: cyber wyvern,
Goff Rock Tower, Skylok, Bubonis, Squat battle Wagon
Variant, Gyrocopter Variant?
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Received on Tue May 10 2005 - 15:09:38 UTC