[NetEpic ML] Re: Slann 2nd test

From: <hellreich_at_...>
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:23:03 -0500


     Ok, hmm got me on that one, not sure of the bulckness, but I was planning on ordering some for my self to see. My one freind says that are kind of like the Babalon 5 models in size and shape. I never thought bout these models though Babalon 5 models are alittel pricy, 1 you already have a reptilian race (the narn), 2 they are of the same size and bulkness as warhammers, 3 they are still easy to get. Dirt side has figs too but found these can be hard to get, though they are of the same size

better get out coffee going to be alot of planning here, I'd like to try to find models we both like and be able to get at local game store too, not just the net. I'll do some leg work on my part for this, and get out the note book with my unit ideas
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Peter Ramos
  To: netepic_at_egroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2000 5:00 PM
  Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Slann 2nd test


  Great! I'll be waiting. If you have other units you want to add please do so.

  As for the model size they seem appropriate but I wonder about the "bulk" of the model. How does one tank compare to lets say a predator or Land raider.



           ok, I'll email you a complete list of my opinions and ideas along with the others that I play aginst. As for the Anisty models the ones I picked out are about 2 1/2 to 3cms, with the exception of some of the necron tanks, to show the fact of how much lighter their tanks would be. Smallest I think is 2cm, with, the super heavy being 7cms long by 5cms wide, Besides Anisty gives you the size of all its models right on the web page of the catolog.


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Received on Sat Feb 05 2000 - 22:23:03 UTC

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