RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Test, please ignore
Adam, what is the difference between "Hey, this is a test" and "Test, please ignore" !? or why I have to put the word "test" in the body of the message or only in the subject !?
What you remark as "non-english paragraph" is something that is put automatically by the stmp server where I work and I have absolutely no control about it, what you are saying is that if I'll write something about Epic with that paragraph I'll be banned? It's crazy.
By the way you can see its short translation in english at the end of all my emails:
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You must also care if I'm a member for a long time or not and what I had send in the past, this is the real difference between a spammer or not!
And finally, all these emails (mine and your) are much more spam than the first one ...... I hope to stop here this flame
From: [] On Behalf Of Adam S. Demeter
Sent: giovedì 2 agosto 2007 13.19
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Test, please ignore
It's not in English, first of all. And you can easily test just by
saying, "Hey, this is a test." It doesn't have to be something that
no one but you - or at least a minority of people here -
understands. Simple stuff, here. Not rocket science. I don't care
who's been a member for how long...that's not the issue. The issue
is that we don't want a bunch of spam here. I have no idea what it
said - nor do I really care, to be honest - so it doesn't really
matter how "harmless" it was. It was still spam, by the very
definition of it, and my job here is to keep it out of the picture.
I've been doing that quite diligently, and I wasn't about to let it
go. I mean, think about it...someone lies and gets into the
group...then they put up some crap for a dating site, or penis pills
or whatever...but as long as they put "Test, please ignore" in the
subject, it's now OK? No way. Simply put, you can put test in the
body of the message, too...then people know it's a test, and not
junk. I'm not mad at anyone, picking on anyone or playing any
favorites. I'm simply going about what I offered to do and have done
without fail from day one of my being asked to do it. I don't think
you guys know just how many spammers I've kept OFF the list here, and
jumping on my case about it is pretty lame. I've kept it - by
myself - so that new memebers can join without a problem, but
spammers can't. I don't think it's asking much to make a test a
test, and not some huge, non-English paragraph that was completely
unnecessary, and that no one knows or cares about. So please: if
you're doing a "test" to make sure things work, my suggestion is to
make it something about Epic or just put "test" in the body or
something, or I will pick up on it, and I will say
something...repeated efforts will cause me to do something about it,
Oh, and I'm not sending a private e-mail. You made it public,
pal...not me.
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Received on Thu Aug 02 2007 - 15:08:27 UTC
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