The first question to ask is ... which rules are you looking at?
There are the ones found here:
under the file: 12A_Ogre_Army_Book_v5.pdf
That I think aren't very good...
Then there's the ones found here:
Under the Heathen Army book(s) (there's a version 1 and version 3).
I think these are much better (but I would ... since I wrote a lot of
it). They still need cost totals for most of the units.
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Emmanuel Kanter <emikanter_at_...> wrote:
> Bruce Scott wrote:
>> The NetEpic Ogre rules are broken anyway. You'd need to fix up the
>> basic rules before you could even consider the Ogrethulu.
>> Be good if someone did fix them.
> What do you think should be done in order to fixthe ogre rules? What, in
> your opinion, is most broken in those rules? So, first, let's fix the
> rules together, and then let's make an ogethulhu that's both rulewise
> cool and lovecraft-in-popular-culture-wise cool.
> (sorry about the alcoholic content of this mail. I just got home from a
> barbecue. Is this how you spell it?)
> Emmanuel
Received on Fri Sep 19 2008 - 16:05:57 UTC