Re: A couple of questions...

From: rich_games_plus <rich_games_plus_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 12:59:09 -0000

As simple as Point Defense seems it's this phrase

(snip) They may be used in the Movement Phase in order to Snap Fire
**at the target of a charge (with the normal –1 To-Hit penalty)** or
to gun down a **Charging enemy** (without the –1 penalty), or they may
fire in the Combat Phase when the model make it's normal ranged attacks.

That makes me wonder about their use. Given the phrase 'at the target
of a charge' I begin to wonder as to it's actual intended use. Or if
the points for it are right if it can blast away as it chooses. Point
Defense would seem to be a weapon that engages targets related only to
the unit that holds them - not to be sprayed around willy-nilly. But
if that is what everyone else thinks... I guess I can live with it.
Hopefully the points values for a weapon system as powerful as it is
adjusted correctly given that it would seem to infer that if I had
Point Defense 3 I could use one die as a charger came at me, another
die if during the movement phase an enemy came within 15cm of me and
then when activated 1 die to attack a unit I'm charging. Not too bad
when a unit with out the system (Like a Land Raider for example) could
only carry out only 1 of those actions even though it has all the
weapon systems to do so otherwise.

As far as the barrage weapons question - never mind. I was posting it
at the request of some other guys who were having issue with it and I
hadn't looked too deeply into it myself. THAT answer is a simple one.

Thanks for the replies.
Received on Mon Nov 17 2008 - 12:59:09 UTC

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