[NetEpic ML] Re: Slann Magus

From: Lorenzo Canapicchi <canapi_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 08:12:13 +0100

Karlsen Rune wrote:
> Don't the Slann Magi have any psychic saving throws?? An Eldar Warlock for
> example, can pin a Slann titan on a 4+ without any kind of
> save?!?!?!?
> Rune

AFAIK it must be on LOS to do it, and that's not really a good position
Anyway I should say that a Librarian can _destroy_ one of my Phantom
Titan or revenant titan with a mind blast without any save possible, but
the point is that a model must be in a particular position and
situation, generally not so easy to gain, to do it.

Lorenzo Canapicchi
Personal Page:
Received on Fri Feb 25 2000 - 07:12:13 UTC

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