[NetEpic ML] Re: heresy

From: Edward Philippi <allhailtokimo_at_...>
Date: 7 Mar 2000 05:44:31 -0000

On Mon, 6 Mar 2000 10:08:09 -0600 Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...> wrote:>

     I agree with giving the cannon fodder oop! I mean infantry some sort of anti-armor ability. Since WWII most troops have had some sort of armor kill weapon (the bazooka in 1943 and the L.A.W. today). I actually think the inf. should be able to kill tanks at close range with a 9 or 10. Figure each squad has a few disposable rockets or half a dozzen grenades tied together.

>You should seriously consider allowing some infantry with anti-infantry =
>weapons limited anti-armour fire ability. Perhaps, make a new weapon =
>designation called "Combined" or something similar. Units with combined >weapons fire and suppress as anti-infantry weapons, but may fire at armoure targets at short range. Eventually give them -1 or -2 on armour penetration rolls.
>As things are now, the mainstay of most armies, the tactical infantry, are simply cannon fodder. And while Epic scale games are very charactirized by
>the horrible fate of the grunts, they still deserve a chance. (BTW, I loveinfantry in Epic ;) )
>Hehe, I can put inthe following rule, anti-infantry may ONLY penetrate armored unit on a roll of 10. Difficult, but possible.

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Received on Tue Mar 07 2000 - 05:44:31 UTC

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