Travis Smart wrote:
> Compared to imperial titans,they are...but they are also faster. its the
> difference between a racehorse and a war elephant. Also,I think the reactor
> *should* be front ,back,and side...the eldat tians have such waspish waists
> there is nothing blocking it. its an inheirent weakness of the Phantom
> chassis,rather like Imperial titans being hopelesly clunky and lacking of
> any elegance ; )
Maybe You confuse "toughness" with "thickness", well about the faster
thing, they never supposed to be only faster, but hard to hit, this is
the meaning of Holofields, you could be faster than any piece on the
field but a well shielded bulky Imp titan can destroy your faster
undefended Eldar Titan, I don't like very much Eldar titans, but if we
should change something is this: make them hard to hit, leave reactors
where you want, rise the cost (they're supposed to be rare), but they
should be really hard to hit, maybe we could wonder why they're named
"Phantom Titans".
Eldar keys are: Costly, few, devastating
My 50 L.
Lorenzo Canapicchi
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Received on Tue Mar 14 2000 - 08:38:31 UTC