Warprat wrote:
> Although I agree with Travis, that the Eldar have the best looking
> titan's of the game, I share your concerns about the holofield. This is
> relected by the data, in following table I found at:
> http://www.gol.grosseto.it/istanze/tabletoys/epic/etitstat.html
mmmh ... seems familiar :o)
> Titans with holofields are very tough. Eliminating the Barrage
> weakness, MAY make Eldar titans too powerfull. I'm somewhat inclined,
> however, to trust what the other opinions are. Peter likes this
> revision. I think Kelvin does too.
Exactly, "may", just try to think someone tough, but really puny in only
one case, and try to imagine that this particular case it's really easy
to be verified.
If I know your weakness and it's easy for me to use it, You understand
that it's really stupid never use this "bug" in your defence.
The problem is that you cannot field Eldar titans 'couse you know that
exist a frequent situation that make them a waste o points, better to
have an avarage good coverage like void shields, if you have an Imp
Titan you know that for a great amount of situation your defence will be
good, maybe only vibrocannons could pass your shields, but they are very
unusual (only Eldar have it) and they only affect the lower positions
(i.e. scatters in most of cases) of your titan template.
My 50 L.
Lorenzo Canapicchi
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Received on Tue Mar 14 2000 - 08:22:25 UTC