[NetEpic ML] Re: Decision, decisions, what to do with the revision?

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 08:53:14 +1000

At 06:24 PM 3/13/00 -0600, Peter wrote:

>Core rules
>In essence, it was eliminating the flyer phase.
>After hearing all the different points. I was particularly fond of one post
>(can't remeber which as usual) that just went back to the origianl rules
>with some caviats:
>1. They cant be engaged in close combat only by other flyers
>2. They must move at least half their move as per orders
>3. Weapon range is normal as with all other units.
>4. Infantry may fire at them only if they themselves are targetted by flyers
>5. Only AA guns may fire at them in the movement phase
>The advantages are of course obvious, no extra rules, no extra orders.
>I'd like opinions on this again and what else to add. Note that other
>variants will still be available, just optional.

This sounds O.K. to me. The flyers bit has always been a really difficult

>The only thing that people virtually unanimously went for is a better reapir
>and shield regeneration this will stand. As for the reactor debate on eldar
>titans and warlors, why not just leave those in place at better the save for
>the warlord to 1+. Opinions?

I just want to see the Warlord's reactor become less vulnerable. Either
moving it or making the front location a 1+ is fine by me.

>As for Imperial titan weapons the only one people really wanted changed was
>the multi-launcher, it seems that all others could be lived with. Is that

This fine. I'd still like to see a limit to the number of Vortex and Warp
Missiles in play, but as they stand, most of the rules for Titan weapons
are fine. Are we still going to give the Quake cannon back its template?

>As far as the eldar holofiled, as i sad before I'm of two minds. I guess to
>avoid major conflicts the barrage liablility should stand, BUT I'd lower the
>hull cost a tiny bit. We'd leave the original holofield rules.

I have always thought the Eldar Titans a bit too vulnerable to the
barrages. Sure, Barrages affect a large area, but even they need SOME
telemetry to fire well. I'm content to stick with the original rules while
lowering the cost of the hulls SLIGHTLY. But here's some food for thought:

Option 1:
The Holofields provide no save against barrages (normal rules), but the
firer does NOT get to choose the location hit on the Titan. Instead, this
is determined randomly. Fluff: without proper telemetry, the Barrage crew
cannot choose where to place the majority of their fire, so if they manage
to catch the Titan in the blast area, the section hit is completely random.

Option 2:
I always saw the Holofields as making the Eldar hard to hit. So rather
than giving them a special save, why not give them a to-hit modifier.
Against 'standard' weapons, the Titan uses the following progression: First
Fire/Fallback: -2 to hit, Advance: -3 to hit, Charge: -4 to hit. For any
weapons that use a template, use the following progression: First
Fire/Fallback: no modifier, Advance: -1 to hit, Charge -2 to hit.

How do these options sound to everyone? I think #1 would be the simpler
compromise and makes a lot of sense.

>As for the D-cannon. This was originally intended as the eldar equivalent
>for the volcano cannon. Why not just do this:
>Range 75cm, to hit 3+, save modifier -4, add +2 to damage rolls. One attack
>dice Cost 100 points, pretty much a volcano cannon. It would eliminate all
>the fiddly rules and people would want to buy it. Opinions?

Why not keep the D-Cannon as well (for the same cost but without the First
Fire limitation) and simply name the above option something different, like
the "Star Cannon"? Same weapon on the model, but you have the option of
using it as either the D-Cannon or Star Cannon.

>As for the remaining titans I'd rather ask if people have a particular
>problem with them and address those issues.

I really don't have much in the way of problems with the remaining Titans,
except possibly the proliferation of options for the Chaos Titans.


         "Of course I'm paranoid!
       Everyone's trying to kill me."
Received on Tue Mar 14 2000 - 22:53:14 UTC

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