Well I don't feel the Multi Missiles needed a -1 TSM maybe a large templete
but not a -1 for it was changed to a anti infantry weapon now it is and can
be a indirect Titan hunter which is ****edup Why is it that the IMP *****
players get all the good stuff. Please tell me this for I hate the fact that
SM and Imp players get everything. And if you feel I wrong check all the
stats on all the armies before you write me back
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelvin" <kx.henderson_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 1:01 AM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: R: Decision,decisions,what to do with the
> At 08:55 PM 3/15/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >just worried bout fairness for the game balance. One other thing if the
> >multi missiles get a -1 TSM why not give the Eldar Titans wing missiles
> >same thing. This would be in all fairness to game balance would it not?
> >not a big Eldar player and probaly never will be, but I play against them
> >all the time. And if are going to change the weapon for one race I feel
> >though we should change it for all races. For I'am sure all Eldar players
> >could put in all the same beefs that the Imp players have about the multi
> >missiles about the wing missiles.
> >Dose anybody eles feel this way?
> >Please voice yourselfs on this!
> <Rant mode ON>
> Well to take the opposite view, I don't think the Wing Launcher needs the
> review or that "if we change it for one race, we change it for everyone"
> applies. And I really don't think Eldar players CAN make the same
> arguements that the Imperial players can.
> Argument 1: Look at it from the point of view of the actual miniatures.
> The Multi-launcher is a very large, Hardpoint-mounted launcher with a
> proliferation of launch-tubes, which themselves are fairly large, on it.
> The Eldar Wing-launcher is mounted as part of another system (i.e. it
> hardpoint-mounted and therefore is not a major weapon), is much smaller
> has fewer, and smaller, launch tubes on it. The Imperial Launcher simply
> LOOKS more powerful.
> Arguement 2: Look at similar weapon types. The opposite number of the
> Eldar Launcher is the Las-Cannon wing, a light AT weapon. Should we
> upgrade it to become like the Imperial Equivalent, the Turbo-Laser
> Destructor? Heck no! Its simply a light weapon placed in the Wing
> to supply some extra light firepower. The Imperial Multi-launcher was
> pretty much the same as the Eldar Launcher, but twice the price! The
> Multi-launcher was a major Titan weapon that sucked and was overpriced
> (50points). The Eldar Launcher is a light-support Titan weapon that
> reflects its price (25pts). Its a light Anti-Personnel weapon. Always
> been (even in Adeptus Titanicus IIRC).
> Argument 3: History. For those old fogeys here on the list, the
> Multi-launcher was once a weapon of terror. You looked across the table
> your opponent's Titan and moaned with fear when you saw it mounted two
> multi-launchers. You knew your forces we going to get seriously hammered.
> Then along came Space Marine and Titan Legions. One look at the
> Multi-launcher stats and you wondered what you were going to do with your
> launcher-mounted Titans. It was pitiful. So with a nostalgic tear in our
> eyes we retired our faithful Titans or (gods forbid!) took to them with
> scalpel and superglue to re-arm them. To review and improve the
> Multi-launcher is only fair so as to give it back SOME of its former
> We've improved the Multi-launcher, but at the same time we've made it more
> expensive so as to increase its appeal within a plethora of other weapons.
> The appeal of the Eldar weapon is that it is so cheap and one of only two
> options, so it really doesn't need an upgrade. It is balanced by price
> already. In no way are we trying to unbalance the game, only improve it.
> -Kelvin....
> ============================================
> "Of course I'm paranoid!
> Everyone's trying to kill me."
> ============================================
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Received on Fri Mar 17 2000 - 01:33:58 UTC