Hi Darius!
Great idea on choosing a ramdom hit location. How do you do this?
Equal chance for all locations? Pick a location, scatter twice?
Warprat ;)
> Model 4:
> The Holofields provide no save against barrages (normal rules), but the
> firer does NOT get to choose the location hit on the Titan. Instead,
> this
> is determined randomly.
> -->I like this one. But I'd like it to apply to all Titans/Praetorians.
> Think about it. A barrage is just a lot of fire poured into a specific
> area. the finer points of targeting get lost in the equation. No choice
> of target spot on any titan/praetorian hit by a barrage.
dardman wrote:
> We have already tried this in our group and it works fine.
> Darius
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Received on Mon Mar 20 2000 - 12:54:28 UTC