[NetEpic ML] Re: Eldar Holofields

From: Lorenzo Canapicchi <canapi_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 15:56:08 +0100

Kelvin wrote:
> <SIGH> No offence intended here, Lorenzo, but you REALLY haven't played
> against the kind of people I have.

I'll print this sentence and I'll hang it up on my gaming association
room :)

> We tried this rule as a house rule
> long, long ago when Renegades was first released with the fact that if the
> barrage caught the Titan at all, the barrage could scatter. And the
> problem became that the Eldar abused the privilage of the Holofield
> protection by clustering their troops around the Titan's base.

Again I don't see the problem, why you should overlap titan & infantry
with barrages?
the rule is: target the titan => scatter _not_ target some place then if
a titan it's under the template, scatter....

> So we
> changed it saying you have to note the target of the barrage, then the
> Imperials started to abuse it by saying they we're specifically targetting
> the Titan. Then we changed it AGAIN saying that you had to centre the
> barrage on the Titan's base. Then, lo and behold, the Eldar abused it
> AGAIN buy crowding the Titan's base with troops to get SOME protection from
> the holofields. In the end we dropped the whole thing and stuck with the
> official rule.

Ah ah ah!!! no rules say you can do it, why you should allow poeople to
"transport" models on bases, some of my opponent tried to do it years
ago, I'm still laughing :PPPPP.

> This could work with the following problem: what happens to the scattered
> template? Does it affect the troops it lands on too? This way I get the
> effects of a Hop-Splat gun without playing Orks!

Obviuosly, the scattered template affect the troops it lands on, try to
tell a granade you're not it's main target :)

> >exactly, anyway you can cut the problem at root sayng: want to target
> >the titan? ok center the template on it and scatter, want you target
> >infantry? ok you cannot cover the titan ... more simple and no whining
> >at all
> Not so simple as I described above. Its good in a way to have a person in
> your gaming club who will find the loophole in every rule and exploits it.
> That way you can see the loopholes coming a long way off.

I see no loophole, only stupid personal interpretation of rules, like
most of my opponent did at the beginning of our gaming group, such
gamers can only be mocking at,
and if you cannot control such stupidity in your opponent, well came
play with us I can show you players you'd never dreamed of even in your
worst nightmare :)
> Don't get me wrong, I LIKE this idea, but I am just concerned about the
> potential loopholes it presents. I've played power-gamers too often to be
> happy about it.....

me too, believe me, and I still ....


Lorenzo Canapicchi
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Received on Mon Mar 20 2000 - 14:56:08 UTC

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