[NetEpic ML] Re: R: More stuff to argue..er.. I mean discuss about

From: Stefano Andreoni <ltremari_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 16:13:42 +0200


> well, what I dont like is that the damn thing cant be shot through.
> Everything else in Epic got a weakness, everything can be countered in
> fashion. Just as there is no real good guys there are no perfect thing.
> something that cannot be breached in ANY way is dead weird to me....

Assault them, never used thunderhawks/pods/land speaders/bikes? Use your
mole mortars, put your devastators on higher ground so they can shoot over
their shields, use your observer to call indirect fire from their side or
I never found too difficult to fight them and I generally my opponent use
three or four detachments a battle.

Received on Thu Mar 30 2000 - 14:13:42 UTC

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