[NetEpic ML] Re: Summary of changes to date

From: Karlsen Rune <Rune.Karlsen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 20:54:31 +0200

        Great! Then it'd actually be worthwhile to field a Slann titan
        at 4-5000 points and get the mechs as well :-)
        I agree with Peter on the repair roll as well, 3+ shields aren't
        that good, and if you hit the carapace, there's a good chance
        the titan will be swollowed by the warp. Any weapon with
        a good modifier and some pluses on the damage roll will
        be able to take out a slann titan with 5-6 shots. At least,
        that's what the stats tell me, i havn't actually playtested it.

                -----Original Message-----
                From: Peter Ramos [mailto:pramos2_at_...]
                Sent: 2000-03-30 20:39
                To: netepic_at_egroups.com
                Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Summary of changes to date


                I agree I think its worth around that much. Shields in epic
is much more
                poweful and thus the IMperator should be worth more than the
slann titan.


> From the play test I've done the 4+ save will work just
fine with the 3+
> fixed warp sheilds but am finding the cost to be to high
feel we should
> lower to 1500pts

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Received on Thu Mar 30 2000 - 18:54:31 UTC

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