[NetEpic ML] Re: Summary of changes to date

From: <hellreich_at_...>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 17:50:39 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 7:20 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Summary of changes to date

> Hi!
> Great input. I will definately increase the saves on the King to make it
> stronger, by the way shouldn't the repair be a 3+?

> !! no I feel the 3+ fixed save is very powerful by it self and when hit
the 4+ repair is quite fair, though they are high tech they still can't turn
a wrench any fast then others. Plus in my eyes high tech stuff takes longer
to fix then low tech.

> I agree about the field protecting versus the vortex and warp missiles
> it good to take.

> !!! me too

> So i take it by your testing that 1500 for the komodo is good enough? I'd
> place the king at 2000, but the higher saves may push it further up.

> I would say the Komodo will work well with no changes at 1500pts, as for
the King I've tested it at 2350 last nite with the lowered save and to me it
seemed quite strong. I would say 2350-2400 for this would limit it to the
size of the game only seeing it in 4-5000pt game, for the Slann would only
truly ever bring out the King in the most desprate attemp to defeat there

> Regarding its weapons are they good enough for these titans? We were
> not to go overboard, but I wonder if the 50cm range is to little, and
> perhaps 75cm on some of the weapons (like the one mounted on his head) is
> better? I think the slann would have definately evolved a long range
> stripper, given the competition. Any thoughts?

> !! no lets not forget that this Titan can move by warp jump up to 40cm
without being sucked into the warp very very fast, and though it losses its
sheilds for that turn you may still fire weapons, have won 2 times like
this. With the Titan only badly wounded NOT DEAD.

> I'm glad the army is turning out to be balanced, you have nearly a 50%
> record, as far as that goes to proving the armies balance thats excellent!
> I'd worry if you were winning too many games.

> !! as I

> I think the list I put in the vault wasn't the one I really edited, so I
> will place the true one soon after I make the said changes we have
> discussed. Let me know about the weapons and I'll go ahead with the
> Peter
> > Well being the Slann nut that I am I've tryed the Komodo and the King,
> I've
> > found the Komodo with its 3+ ( fixed save) and using the 4+ to repair to
> be
> > very poweful, but not unbalancing. After playing a few games found it to
> be
> > just a tad high in cost and tryed it at 1500pts. In trun this made it
> a
> > tad stronger then a Warlord amred with great cheese for I wanted to see
> just
> > how much of a pounding the Slann Titan could take. The warlord was armed
> as
> > such 4 Turbo laser destructors, don't sound like much but try it one
> (8
> > dice at 3+ to hit and a -2 to save), as it urned out it was a slug fest
> > fire power with the Slann Titan winning 6 out of 10 times. Not to bad
> seeing
> > as the Slann Titan only has 2 weapons that fire over 50cm and only one
> roll
> > each. I don't feel lowering the saves is needed for the Komodo but much
> need
> > for the King for this is supposed to be there stronger Titan and
> > the saves would do this, plus drop it down to 2350pts for it is pretty
> even
> > with the Imperator but tends to come out ahead in match fights. As for
> > Warp and Vortex missiles I play that the sheilds protect against them,
> > how can they hit something if it is not there to hit. I know I know I
> should
> > of tested the Titans more before I rewrote the army but I was more
> conserned
> > with the balance of all the troop types when I was play testing the
> > But as far as the army goes I think it is very well balanced with a not
> > hot win record of 3 out of 7 games but this was my sillyness and some
> > dice at times.
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