----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 8:45 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Summary of changes to date
> Hi!
> Oh, gotcha. Still though the eldar have a repair of 3+, its difficult to
> explain that the slann dont.
>!!not so hard for the Eldar rely on Wraith bone to (HEAL) their Titans, as
the other races try to repair. Would be very hard to rebuild a micro chip in
the middle of a battle so your warp sheilds work, would be easy for Wraith
bone to grow a new vein to supply power to there Holo-Field sheild.
> > > !! no I feel the 3+ fixed save is very powerful by it self and when
> > the 4+ repair is quite fair, though they are high tech they still can't
> turn
> > a wrench any faster then others. Plus in my eyes high tech stuff takes
> longer
> > to fix then low tech.
> >
> > > I would say the Komodo will work well with no changes at 1500pts, as
> > the King I've tested it at 2350 last nite with the lowered save and to
> it
> > seemed quite strong. I would say 2350-2400 for this would limit it to
> > size of the game only seeing it in 4-5000pt game, for the Slann would
> > truly ever bring out the King in the most desprate attemp to defeat
> > enemies.
> True, I was going with 2000 for the King, but you mau be right.
> ## you see, the King was already as strong or stronger the the Imperator
and if we lower the save then it should in my eyes cost 1-200pts more. only
> > > !! no lets not forget that this Titan can move by warp jump up to 40cm
> > without being sucked into the warp very very fast, and though it losses
> its
> > sheilds for that turn you may still fire weapons, have won 2 times like
> > this. With the Titan only badly wounded NOT DEAD.
> Ah! Forgot that, you are right leave as is.
> !! Ah! LOL you see now LOL
> Peter
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Received on Sat Apr 01 2000 - 01:25:06 UTC