----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Remaining armies
> Hi!
> >Hmmm, Don't forget that you utterly smashed an eldar force a couple of
> weeks
> >ago also (45 -0???Using the slann 2.0 rules). We have to take into
> >that your opponent played poorly in that game as well, and of cource
> >have to test the slannarmy further before we can make any kind of
> >conclusions.
> >
> >However, there are a couple of things that concerns me. I feel that there
> is
> >to much fixed savingthrows and coverignoration in the slann army. I also
> >believe that to many of the units has a 4+ or better to hit roll. But
> I
> >really find unreasonable is that the slann immunity to fear and terror,
> >that they don't need do check moral when facing Chaos. Thats way, way,
> >over the top in my opinion.
> Hmm.. As far as I remember only battlesuits have a fixed save most exodus
> and dracons either dont have a save or its not fixed. The necron forces
> a modifiable save up to a point. As for morale, I think only Necron are
> immune to morale effects, others would be vulnerable to them. As for fear
> and terror, perhaps the living component of the army should know fear.
> Opinions?
> !! Some Exodus do have fixed saves but are limited to few units, and the 2
tanks have mod saves like necrons. Yes only the Necron are inmmune to morale
checks all others must check when broke. As far as fear goes I don't see why
the Slann would fear Chaos as much as they are supposed to know about the
warp, they would just see them as enemies. And there greatess enemy is the
Tyrinaids so why would they fear them?!
> >Well, it shall be interesting to see how the slann army preformes in the
> >future. But a couple of more games like the last two, and I think Rune
> >rapidly run out of players wanting to face him.
> Well, he did say they were inexperienced and badly deployed. A more
> test would be with an experienced player in less favorable terrain.
> Peter
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Received on Tue Apr 11 2000 - 17:26:56 UTC