Re: RE: RE: [NetEpic ML] Slann saves

From: Luca Lettieri <magnus_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 08:07:08 -0000

> Heh, we might be young, but we're hardy! We don't even
> need a siesta in the middle of the day like some people do :-)

Neither do we... siesta is a Spanish word, you know...
> While we're on the decadence issue, weren't the Romans
> a tad on the decadent side? Aren't you in fact all descendants
> of a decadent civilization? ;)
> Oohh...this one is gonna hurt! :-)

It depends on which time period you're talking about. Late Imperial
Rome was decadent, all right. But Early and Middle Roman Republic was
the most efficient conquering machine ever to be seen on the face of
Earth. It had something like 12.5% of total population in active
military service; no one else ever approached that figure.

US imperialism... pffff.... amateurs :-)

Luca Lettieri
Received on Fri Apr 14 2000 - 08:07:08 UTC

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