Re: [NetEpic ML] A little math on titan CC

From: <hellreich_at_...>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 20:50:10 -0400

When they say Titans are the lords of battle they are refering to it's fire
power, not it ablity to fight small fast moving infantry or vehicals. Lets
put this to a simple test you are out side cutting grass ( you the big Titan
with CC bladed weapon) the ground hornet nest ( the infantry) though we can
easly squash the bug by it self, we all will run for the hills when swarmed
by them. Don't belive me try it out one day LOL, I'm a Tree Climber and have
been stung many times, once so bad I needed to go to the Hospital. So
swarming should have a chance in this game, and the last proposal from Peter
sounds about the best. Remember you will get a save now instead of auto hit,
and the numbers posted do not take into acount for luck, they are based on
proxy roll of 7 all the time. Give you my dice what seem to roll 3-6 on 2D6
and nothing will hit LOL.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike <slannesh_at_...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] A little math on titan CC

> --- In, "Mike " <slannesh_at_h...> wrote:
> Argh. Silly thing deleted all my text last time.
> Looking at the proposed rules I think that Titans are still getting
> the short end of the stick when being swarmed.
> Looking at all the examples given the titan is getting almost a
> guarenteed death in all of the examples except the doubling CAF and
> saving throw by the 10 Techguard stands.
> In each of these examples the only detachment that even comes close
> to
> costing the same as the titan are the Exarchs...
> I know that not all titans are designed to be CC monsters... but
> honestly, they should be. All of the fluff i've read talks about how
> Titans are the lords of the battlefield. why the heck would anyone
> even THINK about taking a titan knowing that it's going to die the
> first decent sized detachment that swarms it? I've always thought
> that
> infantry taking down titans in CC was just silly... if they're so
> vulnerable to infantry swarms why don't they have better defence?
> I know a lot of people are going to disagree but what I propose is
> this:
> Double all titans CAF this includes any CC weapons as well.
> Furthermore, for less than Knight class models, don't allow more to
> attack the titan in CC than you can touch to it's feet, on a plastic
> warlord I belive this is 7 infantry stands. Knight or larger can
> attack with as many models as can touch the base of the titan.
> This makes titans really tough in CC True.. but they're all on the
> same level with each other. Titans can always be taken down by
> equivalent titans...
> In addition they are no tougher than they've always been to weapons
> fire. The end result is, if you want to kill a titan, assault it with
> some of those expensive knights, another titan or just shoot it till
> it falls down from all the extra weight in lead.
> Flame away!
> Mike
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