>Of course, we could use the crease CAF idea and Ed's save modified by the
>assaulters CAF, thus keeping it at 2d6.
>Lets see what the odds look like. Again using the reaver analogy
>Titans double CAF (Average result of 31)
>The guard reach a draw / win with stand 8 (average 31.5)
>Result: 7 stands die, 2-3 hits. With a CAF of 0 few hits get through, but
>they have a chance, although slim.
>Marine tactical get 30.5 with stand 3.
>Result: 3 rhinos, 2-3 stands dead. Titan gets 3-4 hits. Half of these hits
>may get through.
>Veterans win big with stand 3.
>Result: 3 rhinos, 2 stands away, 4 hits to titan. Most hits will get
>(the titan can only save on a 6)
>Conclusions: the results are similar if not identical to the 4d6 idea. What
>it comes down to is if people prefer a stat change or more die rolls. I
>marginally favor the stat change.
Doubling the CA makes the big titans EXTREMELY invulnerable to infantry
assault. Which is bad...the grunts might not have it easy, but they deserve
a chance
> > At 11:22 AM 4/16/00 -0500, Peter wrote:
> > >Hi!
> >
> > Helloooo,
> >
> > >I propose the combination of Warprats rule of using 4d6 versus all
> > >except knight and praetorian class units (which would be 3d6). When a
> > >a titan gets hit we use Ed's suggestion and have the titan save using
> > >attackers CAF as a modifier. Elites gain a +1 to the damage roll if
> > >penetrate the armor to show that they put those charges where they
> >
> > If we use the 4D6, then what do Chainfists and its cousins then do in a
> > Add yet ANOTHER D6? I like the idea of the Titan getting the save
> > modified on the CAF of the stand that caused the hit but the 4D6 may be
> > little extreme.
> >
> >
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