Re: [NetEpic ML] Stagadon vs. Leviathan

From: <hellreich_at_...>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 18:19:02 -0400

RE: [NetEpic ML] Stagadon vs. LeviathanHHmmm like to say bite me LOL but that is not the way to go. Ok some, but very few, we are talking 2 units right now are off to be balanced. And to fix this is very easy, points and limit. This is the way to go for if you cry formula then do it for ALL ARMIES not just ONE. OK!!!!!!
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: eivind borgeteien
  To: ''
  Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 4:46 AM
  Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Stagadon vs. Leviathan

  Therefore, maybe the prices should be more expencive than the formula...

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Karlsen Rune [mailto:rune.karlsen_at_...]
  Sent: 3. mai 2000 10:41
  To: ''
  Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Stagadon vs. Leviathan

          Yes, that's what i think too...


                -----Original Message-----
                From: Lorenzo Canapicchi

                Sent: 2000-05-03 10:36

                Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Stagadon vs. Leviathan

                Karlsen Rune wrote:
> Yes, but in the case of a completely new army, we

> have another basis for comparison...


                Exactly so we shouldn't refer to other army cost, better to

                (and a new army need a lot of playtest) and trim costs and

                according to the test, formulas can have a role when you

  start the
                design of the Army, but at this point we should use only

  testing and
                common sense IMHO.

                Lorenzo Canapicchi

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Received on Wed May 03 2000 - 22:19:02 UTC

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