LOL if you like sharks!! we need to get Mplayer to play epic CD game. I was
just plaing risk last nite with one from India, Europe, Gremany, and last
but not least Aussie. Guess what Country he went for LOL. As for epic my
freind and as we call each other brother Darius got me hook, we use to play
AD+D, one day he came home with Space Marines boxed game and the rest is
history. Boy how we got sucked in. I remember staying up till 4-5 in the
morning paiting those tiny figs only to go to work at 6 in the morning, get
done at 2 in the afternoon take a nap for a few hours and then pait again
till all were painted. Then he left for awhile to Japan no epic for 3-4
years, played 40k, warhammer, enjoyed both some what ( could never get a
fair game) Then Darius came back, found Netepic and here we are, playing and
triing tohelp others enjoy the game we have such love for.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] How did you get into epic?
> At 11:00 AM 5/18/00 -0500, Peter wrote:
> >How did you guys "find" epic, or did "epic" find you?
> I started out with GW products way back in school. I was about 16 when a
> friend brought along a book he'd picked up while on holiday in London. It
> was Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader. We all read it and got hooked on the
> game. But at the time I had no cash and so couldn't afford to buy any
> minis for it. After a time I got less and less interested as I had no
> minis to play with.
> Flash forward 3 years and now I am at University. Someone at the Uni
> Gaming Club is playing that 40K game again and I am interested again. I
> play a couple of games and like them. Then someone brings along Adeptus
> Titanicus. I play a game and again, I like it. More so than 40K. I
> express interest in the game. He tells me not to bother buying minis as a
> new edition is coming out. He shows me the promo flyer for "Epic Space
> Marine". It looks very cool. He orders the main box (direct from England
> as in those days it was MUCH cheaper for we Aussies to buy direct from
> England). It arrives and I look at the rules. I see the Orks. They
> REALLY appeal to my sense of play. Manic, brutal, warlike and fun. COOL.
> I tell the guy who bought the box I'll take the Orks off him.
> And so it all began. After that day I just kept buying Orks and got very
> heavily into Epic Space Marine. Then all the army rules like Armies of
> Imperium, Warlords and Renegades came out. I bought more and more Orks,
> some 2nd hand A.T. castoffs (I actually don't own most of my Orks. I got
> them off people who said "pay me later for them" and then I never saw them
> again.) and some new minis as they came out. With the advent of Titan
> Legions I bought a Tech Guard force, then some Marines and finally bought
> my friends Chaos army when he decided he didn't want it anymore. While
> been a VERY long time since I played Epic, I stil can't bring myself to
> rid of my Epic armies as I still have a special attachment to them.
> Along the way I got heavily into 40K for a while, then into WFB but after
> while the rules abberations just honked me off too much and I moved on
> GW games (although I still like to play Blood Bowl and Necromunda as I
> think they are pretty good games; Warmaster looks interesting too). I got
> into Kryomek (until it collapsed), Warzone, then GZG games (go Full Thrust
> and Stargrunt 2!) and finally into Fantasy Rules! 2nd Ed. But all the
> while I still played and loved Epic until that fateful day when GW
> the demon that was Epic 40K (shudder). After that (even with NetEpic) all
> interest in Epic died and now I am the only passionate player left round
> these parts. (Well, there is Agro that some of you may remember from the
> Space Marine list but he is a Power Gamer of the worst sort. No fun at
> Currently I regularly play Full Thrust (better now with the two Fleet
> Books), Stargrunt 2, Dirtside 2 (though not as often as I like), Blood
> and Fantasy Rules! 2nd Ed plus assorted sundry Role-playing and Trading
> Card games like Babylon 5, Immortal, Cyberpunk and Aliens. But it all
> really started with Epic.
> <SIGH> It'd be nice to have a game of Epic again. Its been so long.
> Anyone on the list coming Down Under soon? Brisbane is a lovely place in
> Winter! ;-)
> -Kelvin....
> ============================================
> "Of course I'm paranoid!
> Everyone's trying to kill me."
> ============================================
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Received on Fri May 19 2000 - 01:13:38 UTC