Re: [NetEpic ML] 12000 pts battle orc vs sm

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:02:38 +1000

At 09:08 PM 5/23/00 +0000, Carsten Schuett wrote:

>well, thanks a lot...

Our pleasure I'm sure.

>you know it is really good when you can bother some guys with that stuff...
>and I for my part will follow your advices

There are quite a few Epic players here in Brisbane who would think you mad
for doing that, but I wish you the best of luck.

>finally i got my hands on 2 dragstaz, i hope the prove usefull,
>for it seems that shots (after hitting the deflector-field) can scatter into
>the field.... (?)

Yes, the shot can scatter on a direction that takes it "inside" the shield
but then that happens the units protected by the shield are unaffected by
any shield-scattered direct-fire shots. Barrages are another matter
though..... (units under the shield if hit by a barrage scattered by the
dragsta shield should still be affected IIRC, its never happened enough for
me to have bothered about it).

And as someone mentioned earlier: use at least one Dragsta to shield your
Weirdboy Tower(s). Weirdboys DON'T get to shoot on the first turn as they
have yet to build up any power so be careful with them. Your other Dragtsa
could easily be used to protect your Goffs as they charge forward or to
protect some of your Fire Support. Whatever fits your needs.

>what effects cause pulsas against shielded titans?

Depends on what you roll on the Pulsa table. Usually they cause D6 hits.
Those hits don't ignore shields, but the field is also treated as difficult
ground for Titans.

>does the pulsa ignore the shields?

Nope. It doesn't say it does anywhere in the rules, so it still affects
shields. But anything that knocks the shields down means you need to
devote less fire to taking them down later!


         "Of course I'm paranoid!
       Everyone's trying to kill me."
Received on Tue May 23 2000 - 23:02:38 UTC

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