> >The germans developed V1 and V2s. Usa would hardly have won the >>Space
> >race without Werner von Braun.
>The point is how much SOONER would they had done it if they had >organized
>tehmselves efficiently. Soon enough to have all of us talking german >I'd
right, that was what we had in mind....
to have all of you speaking our beautiful language...
and to have all of you eating
Wei�wurst und Kn�del
and drinking
Erdinger Hefeweizen (really good bavarian beer)...
...und noch einige Sachen mehr, auf die wir hier nicht n�her eingehen
(sorry, but I was not able to resist adding a few lines of my own...)
(by the way...are there any other germans subscribed to this list?)
WH 40K is fiction...
...and in this fiction the Imperium is desperatly trying to maintain
what it got and not to invent other technology....
...otherwise there would be units with stats like:
Imperial Guardsman
move save caf weapons range ad th tsm notes
50cm 1+ +20 hyperblaster 200cm 50 2+ -10 immune
fixed to every-
...when you consider the time of 10000 years for development it still
sounds poor...
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