It seems to me that the Necron troops were numerous and in order to help
beat back the tyranids they used infantry. Infsantry is much easier to
create and uses less resources and time than infantry. The Necron troops
should be cheaper. If you take away their fixed save and make a 6+ and give
them a repair roll of 4+ they are worth about 250 points. A cube of 3
circuits would be 750 + free Necron lord. We have already reduced the
nullify field to 6cm. For the same cost you get a SM tac Co that is more
mobile with almost twice the units. I am in favor of reducing the assault
circuit to 300 and the cube to 900 (I just realized my version is 2.0--so my
points maybe off).Let me know if you are on the same line of thought as me.
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Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 01:57:12 UTC