RE: [NetEpic ML] Planetary Defense Force

From: <jyrki.saari_at_...>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 08:38:11 +0300

> -----Original Message-----
> From: EXT Warprat [mailto:warprat_at_...]
> Sent: 19. June 2000 1:37
> To:
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Planetary Defense Force
> Hi All!
> For the most part, I REALLY like this. The Mammoth tank company seems
> to fit this army very nicely.
> Really, the only main point I have a problem with, are the
> CAF's of all
> the units, aside from the Grey Knights, Commisars, etc...
> If the Imperial Guard are the elite of the PDF, why are the CAFs the
> same? Why should all Hive Gangs be equal to IG? Arn't only
> the Best of
> the Hive Gangs used in the IG?

The hive gang represents just that: a REALLY good gang; one that has an
"official" turf, that is they can keep others away and thus maintain order
and the Imperial officials turn blind eye so long the gangs don't become too
greedy. And besides, not all hive gangs would fight in the defense of a

> Why do they have an equal CAF to the IG? Shouldn't these
> units have a
> -1 CAF?

Maybe, but in making an armylist you have to consider this: would anyaone
really play an army where all infantry has -1 CAF? IMO that would make them
too crappy. Also, I see the IG training as being more "political" induction
to enhance the troops' faith in the Emperor.

> Shouldn't the Milita and Penal Troopers be one step below the
> PDF, with
> a -2 CAF?

Would you play troops with -2 CAF? ;)? Seriously, the penal troopers are
definetely not "just cannon fodder"; they have to be tough in order to
survive since they are given the worst jobs. Those who do survive are the
best. The militia has -1 CAF and IMO that's bad enough. Every citizen of the
Imperium knows some fighting skills due to the friendly nature of the 40K
universe :)

Jyrki Saari

> What does everyone else think?
> Warprat ;)
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Received on Mon Jun 19 2000 - 05:38:11 UTC

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