> -----Original Message-----
> From: EXT BRUNTZ François (DSIT-EG) [mailto:francois.bruntz_at_...]
> Sent: 10. August 2000 12:48
> To: 'netepic_at_egroups.com'
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Brief history summary
> Salut,
> Just a few questions.
> > My first tackle (general history only; dates are completely
> made up,
> > of course; any comments greatly appreciated; this is based on
> > original fluff, especially StD and LaD, minus the novels which I
> > don't have access to):
> Your work is based on original fluff but did you extrapolate
> something? If
> yes some of the following questions could be useless...
> > The Illuminati faction is born, when some of the few survivors of
> > Greater Daemon possession meet and share their experiences. Senseis
> > in the Galaxy become dimly aware of some sort of destiny waiting
> > for them.
> Could you tell us more about the Illuminati faction and the Senseis? I
> didn't hear about them until now...
The Illuminati are humans who have been possessed and somehow survived. They
are a secret society with the aim of reviving the Emperor.
The Senseis are the offspring of the Emperor he has produced during various
stages of his life. Unlike their father who is the most powerful psyker of
mankind they are psychic blanks; the warp entities do not sense them.
> > years 101 - 200
> > the Emperor permanently loses the faculty of speaking.
> I thought that the Emperor could not communicate at all
> (except by psychic
> way) since its fight against Horus?
> > The Illuminati faction grows slowly but constantly and gets some
> > organization. The first of the Illuminati are allowed access to the
> > Eldar Black Library. Great (if secret) breakthroughs are
> made in the
> > understanding of the Warp.
> This is a surprising point. I thought that the first human to
> be able to
> access the Black Library was an Inquisitor...
The Illuminati have access because they can resist the Chaos.
> > The Illuminati quickly seize the opportunity given to them and
> > "acquire" some of the youngest and most brilliant genetic engineers
> > to launch the Star Child Project.
> Star Child Project?
The project to revive the Emperor.
Jyrki Saari
> > I wrote this on the spur of the moment a few months ago. I think we
> > could revise this and insert the various specific incidents
> into the
> > timeline to come up with a decent "unified fluff".
> Good work. I would be glad to help you on this task. :)
> François Bruntz
> ---------------
> The Laïtus Prime Tribune
> Epic 40k, NetEpic, Space Marine/Titan Legion, Epic Escarmouches
> http://www.geocities.com/fbruntz
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