Need units to finish your army?

From: Edward Philippi <allhailtokimo_at_...>
Date: 12 Aug 2000 23:26:07 -0000

Greetings to everyone,
        With the birth of my new daughter 4 months ago I've been out of the Epic loop. Now that things have calmed down I can back into gaming.
        I'm writing for a couple of reasons.

        First: Games Workshop screwed up an order to me and sent me double what I ordered. I've quite a few extra pieces. I suppose I could try to sel them but I'd rather trade them for pieces that I'm looking for.
        I've got 6 Basilisks, 4 Leeman Russ Tanks, and a copy of Firepower #4

        I'm looking for 3 Space Marine Dreadnoughts, varrious IG sprews/support weapons/etc.
        Also, one of my students "missplaced" my 3rd edition Armies book(AARRRGH!). Though I prefer netEpic rules I've found it easer to introduce friends to the 3rd edition rules.

        So feel free to e-mail me at allhailtokimo_at_...
if interested (lets not clog up the group)

Second: I have nothing to do with either of these stores but if you live in the San Francisco Bay area there is a store in Fremont called Senerio that still has a few Epic pieces and they are all 50% off. Its mostly Ork but there are a few Eldar esoterica HQs, Support weaps, etc. The Ork stuf are like buggies, scorchas, Dreads.
        There is also a shop in Chico (yes home of the party school) that has a few Ork vehicles and one Ork Mega Gargant. (I'm up there quite a bit so if you can't make it drop me a line).

Anyawy, I hope this can help someone compleat their army. If anyone knows where I can locat IG units in the Bay Area let me know.

        Edward "Kimo" Philippi

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Received on Sat Aug 12 2000 - 23:26:07 UTC

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