RE: [NetEpic ML] Veteran HQs

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 08:41:27 +1000

At 03:27 PM 8/15/00 +0200, Eivind wrote:

>I'm a little reluctant to veteran HQs for the SM. The next step would then
>be to "customize" the the ork nobz according to clans. We have tried this
>and found it to be unballanced. Let a HQ be a HQ no matter what kind of
>company it commands. (Exceptions would off course be assault and termie HQ
>because of different armors and eq)

Hear, hear! Why would the Commander of a Veteran Company be all that much
better then a normal commander for other Marine formations? A Commander is
simply a superior officer. Granted he's probably more experienced that the
other troops but Would he necessarily be that much better than the
Veterans? Let's just leave HQs of a certain figure type as
standards. That way there is little confusion on the field.

>I'm not too found of veteran IG either, I think it diminishes the difference
>between IG and SM. If veterans should be fielded I think it should be as
>special cards with 1 or 2 detachments

Yep. Have to agree here too. Whole companies of Veteran/Elite Imperial
Guard? There's really that many of them to go around? If we are going to
allow for Veteran/Elite IG troops, let them be Special Card units for most
battles and only allow their use as more common cards in special
scenarios. Otherwise what is the point of taking basic IG?


      When you're feeling down just
      remember that you are unique.
        Just like everyone else.
Received on Wed Aug 16 2000 - 22:41:27 UTC

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