I think Peter meant that Slann doesn't have to take a morale test
broken against Tyranids and Chaos. They continue to fight on,
of how many they have lost. If that is so, then we have
completely! Just comes to show once again how paramount exact
wording of the rules are.
When it comes to the Nemesis, i agree that you get a lot for your
money so to speak. In defence of the Slann, there seems to me
that every army gets something cheaper than the formula.
Compare the Squat Praetorians. They're tougher to take out
than a titan (due to the hit locations), have as much (if not more)
firepower, a 360 degree fire arc, move on charge and fire on FF.
All this for less than 3 shadowswords...much less..
I still havn't heard anyone but me take this up, and im betting
will. Why? Because the squats seem to be balanced.
The Nemesis is better than the other tanks, and priced the
A more realistic pricing would perhaps be better, allthough id like
to see the result of some playtesting before any decisions are made.
-----Original Message-----
From: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
Sent: 2000-08-24 15:23
To: netepic_at_egroups.com
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Slann moral
Well, we haven't put it to the test yet. I've read through
the rules a
couple of times and it seems much more balanced, as I hope
they are for
Runes sake. He's a really entusiastic player and enjoys the
tremendously, but due to the cheesyness of the Slann army he
has experienced
some reluctance from the rest of us to face him on the
There is still some concerns though, the moral test imunity
was one (If it
doesen't protect against terror attacks and that type of
special abilities,
what's the benefit of this ability then?), secondly look at
the Nemesis MBT
support card, 9 attacks at 3+, -3, +1 to template damage
rolls. regen
ability, electrohull, 2+ save... .all for 300 points....
HMMMM thats a real
bargain IMO!!!
What we'll do is to play a couple of games and then make
some comments on
what we think would improve the Slann army (if necessary).
As I see it, the problem with this army list has been that
we initially gave
the units far to good stats, and as always it is very
difficult to take back
something that is already given. So I still have a feeling
that some of the
stats might be to good, like the Nemesis example above.
There is one ting to
compensate by rising the prices, but then we stand in fear
of making the
units so expencive that the Slann will have really big
problems securing
enough VPs. So I guess we have to work both angels and meet
inbetween, hopefully the latest set of rules has done just
that! But as I
said, we'll have to test the army against several diffrent
oponents to se
wheter or not we have achieved nirvana :)
Or we could let Jyrki work his magic on the Slann
armylist!!!!! I'm really
impressed with what he has done with the battlesisters!!!
I'm also looking forward to seeing the Dark Eldar list,
since I wasn't able
to get a hold of them earlier I've been working on my own
Dark Eldar list,
and I might have some input to the Dark Eldar rules once
they are
> -----Original Message-----
> From: peter ramos [SMTP:ramospeter_at_...]
> Sent: 24. august 2000 14:17
> To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Slann moral
> Hi!
> I think this is porly phrased, they are immune to tests,
but attacks that
> happen to use the morale stat as a saving throw they are
not immune to. A
> simple sentence in their to this effect will clear it up.
> How have you found the slann update otherwise?
> Peter
> >From: nils.saugen_at_...
> >Reply-To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> >To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> >Subject: [NetEpic ML] Slann moral
> >Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 10:42:54 +0200
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've had some concerns regarding the Slann imunity to
terror tests. So I
> >would suggest a slight change. Many of the Chaos terror
powers are
> >accompanied by a penalty to the moral test. So I suggest
that the Slann
> is
> >immune to this penalty, but not to the actual test.
> >
> >For instance Fulgrims "take-over" power is done with a -2
penalty. So a
> >space marine untit would have an effective morale score
of 4+ for this
> >test,
> >where as a slann unit would still have 2+ save.
> >
> >This will still maintain Slanns recilience to terrortest,
while still
> >allowing chaos(and others) a slight chance of actually
using it's
> >power!!!!
> >
> >Nils
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