Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Ork Stormboyz

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 08:11:55 +1000

At 09:28 AM 9/4/00 +0100, Vic wrote:
>The blood axes trade with humans BUT the stormboyz try and act like them.
>O.k, so I'll take out titans and only jive them rhinos and land raiders....

Sounds much better. But with the Stormboyz, from everything I've read,
they don't so much try to act like humans, it just seems that way. Its all
the Ork psychology. Human Adults tend to be ordered and more sedate while
the youth rebel, acting wild and uncontrollable. Orks on the other hand
are the opposite; the Adults are wild and uncontrollable while the young
Orks rebel, looking for a more ordered and structured life. Hence they
become Stormboyz. They're still Orks with a tendency to do Orky things,
they are just very regimented about it.

But hey! Its your show. I just thought that the Imperial Titans with the
Stormboyz was pushing it a bit too far. Limiting them to Land Raiders and
Rhinos should be O.K., but they're still Orks to me and would be happy to
use other Blood Axe gear. I might just take your idea and modify it to my
own purposes for my own games. Where should I send credit for the
trademark? ;-)

But this is one of the things I like about this list. Just when you
thought you'd exhausted all avenues of creativity, someone else comes along
with a good idea.


        When you're feeling down
      remember that you are unique.
        Just like everyone else.
Received on Mon Sep 04 2000 - 22:11:55 UTC

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