special ability E, and +1 bonus for vetrans only
Termies armour is to heavy
Heavy weapons are the only weapon the Chaos Marines have, the missile
Dreads: A and D
Arttiliry: none, can use the dread with missile launcher to fill this roll
Tanks and others: Gorgon, Preadator with flamers like the Ork scorchers,
Flamer Mariners, Scout Marines, Vetrans, Engineers but not assult type, Drop
Pods a must, a Flak gun would copy the Orks
To lead the Iron Warriors should be Perturabo the Primarch of the Iron
Warriors there is no fluff saying that he was killed I'd give him the stats
of an Ork Warlord
only generic minon cards
----- Original Message -----
From: Weasel Fierce <septimus__at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2000 6:41 AM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Iron Warrior votes (LONG)
> I glad for all the feedback my post on Iron Warriors have caused.
> I think we are ready to do a little voting here. Please everybody with the
> slightest interest give me your votes on each of the following things and
> then we can pick uot those things we do not want and those that the
> think are cool.
> Feel free to suggest more.
> here goes:
> Iron Warrior special ability: (Pick one or more))
> A: All stands start in foxholes (as trenches but each segment covers only
> one stand)
> B: Stands are dug in automatically when assuming first fire orders
> C: Each Iron Warrior company get a free trench card
> D: Each Iron warrior company get a free razorwire card
> E: C and D
> F: Iron Warriors get a +1 assault bonus when assaulting buildigns,
> etc.
> G: As F but increased to +2 for veterans
> H: Iron Warriors can ignore razorwire when moving
> I: Iron Warriors get an assault bonus near objectives (15 cm. or so)
> Terminators:
> A: Terminators are designed for close assault in dense terrain and should
> available
> B: Termi-armor is too heavy and would bog down / slow down an assault.
> not used by Iron Warriors
> Heavy weapon infantry: (Please make notes of availability too (company,
> support or?))
> A: Regular (Not veteran) Warrior stands have range of 75 cm. (keep other
> stats as normal)
> B: New unit (Havocs?) with stats equivalent to marine devastators
> C: No heavy wepaon infantry
> Dreadnoughts: (Pick as many as you like)
> A: Iron Warriors may buy marine dreadnoughts
> B: Improve existing chaos dreadnought
> C: Iron Warriors may buy dreadnought-only companies
> D: Iron Warrior infantry companies include a dreadnought detachment
> E: Each company get a dreadnought detachment as a free card
> Field artillery:
> A: Should Iron Warriors have access to heavy artillery like the imperial
> bombard? If so, should this be self-propelled or a slow field gun?
> B: All Iron Warrior artillery starts the game dug-in ??
> Tanks and other units: (Please make any relevant statements about
> availability, modifications etc.)
> Rhino
> Predator
> Land raider
> Vindicator
> Thunderhawk gunship
> Bikes
> Gorgon type vehicle for mine clearance
> Land raider modified for trench crossing
> Predator with flamers instead of lascannon
> Sabre
> Flamer infantry
> Chaos recruits
> Veterans
> Scouts (marine style)
> Assault engineers (for clearing wire, mines etc.)
> Drop pods
> AA guns??
> What should lead a company? My suggestion is a chaos champion which we
> already have stats for.
> Should Iron Warriors be allowed to take generic minion cards as well?
> (cultists, beastmen etc.)
> Should they be allowed to pick specific minion cards too (propably a
> of one card) or only generic??
> please make your voices heard, remember if you do not speak up, noone
> you
> BTW: WHat do people think about my Thousand sons suggestions??
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