Re: [NetEpic ML] Imperator troops, save vs Squat rad bomb

From: quester <quester666_at_...>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 08:23:06 -0700 (PDT)


  warprat <warprat_at_...> wrote:

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Hi ratman
and you gave a good example how flame ,rad weapons, and all the others that ignore cover, work in todays world but in epic they can only hit one location with enough power to maybe get through the armor and do damage/kill troops ok??? its all in the game mechaincs not the story line or as you pointed out how the real world works... this is what you payed the points for them to do not more, not less.....

 Hi All!

The Brinks armored car is a great example of how gun ports operate in
modern warfare.

In Desert Storm, the U.S. used planes, tanks, missiles and artillery to
overwealm an inferior opponent. But the Warhammer Universe is not like
our society today.

Modern units do not use the Close Combat tactics employed in Warhammer.
And modern units don't use the wierd, but stangely compelling, mix of
Science Fiction, Medieval, World War I and psychic.

I mean, look at the Imperator, it's got cenellated battlements for gosh
sake. Same thing on the Capitol Imperialis, and all the Squat Battle
Cars, etc, etc, etc. These troops are not firing from modern type
gunports. They're firing from the same ancient defensive positions,
archers used in the middle ages.
i can see you shooting at the 2 stands that fit on the top of the Cap.Imp. with the -2 to hit but the stands would not fit on a Imp. Titan even if it were to be build in scale thats over 14" tall if you ever wanted to build one wink wink LOL

Titans are walking tanks and you PAY the points for this and yes you can t have troops shoot out of reg. tanks but you do pay the points for this and you did not pay the points for the ignore cover weapons to auto pen. the armor in all the hit locations that the troops can shoot out of.... the Imp. Titan has lots of other weeknesses......Its power systom

Look at the pictures in the rule books. Fortresses are built like
castles. Again, troops shooting from battlements. No where do I see
troops poking thier guns through a cowardly gun port. Troops in Epic
are made of braver, sterner, in your face kind of stuff. Every where,
Banners are proudly displayed, for all to see. Men, may take cover if
necessary, but it is not the preferred way to fight.

in the TL book with a pic of the Imp. titans leg/bastion it is covered with gun ports that look like the hull MG on a Gr.WWII tank But it has some guys doing repairs on a scafol and what looks like a Psyker at the knee but nowere did i see the troops shooting from the battlements they were fighting hand to hand at the front door like the game mechaincs

Warhammer methods and flavor are why I would like to see the Fortress
Save of 4+ eliminated. Men shooting men, from machines or fortresses,
ARE a part of Epic. But, they do so in a brave, "take this, you filthy
animal," kind of way.
i never use them there very nature make them week, No movemove and they dont fit into my art of war, you need to flow like water and pound your opponit on the rocks... LOL, there fortress!! Ever see a full hellbore come up under a big one "aaa the blood" (look on jasons face)LOL

They know they're going to get shot at. They're proud of it. And proud
to display the colors of their units.

That's why I think any unit that could shoot at another unit, should be
able to be shot at, in return.
change the points, the damage lists, and the way the game works and go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what i m saying is if you change the way a weapon works in the game like makeing it more powerful in this case and weekining its targets you have to make other changes to keep the ballance changing points or something.......
"For the Emperor!!!"

Warprat ;)
this has been fun i ll say no more on it one way or the end you all will use thr rules as you want to :) I still think you reading into the ingore cover thing its not ingor armor.. :)

Quester have a good day ...........

Peter Ramos wrote:

> personally i thank you need to leave them as
> troops in transport and as non-targets just to
> keep it simple.......yes they can shoot out their
> gun ports , but the ports only have to be big
> enought for the barrel of their gun to go through
> like a brinks armor car...and there are better gun
> ports like in the bradley IFV which is air tight
> for example......
> In a human example I agree, but orks dont make
> things in quite the same way and a fireport in
> their case is probably a section of missing
> wall.......
> PS: by the way, i ve not said a single personal
> thing back to anyone
> I know, don't worry all is calm.
> Peter

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