Re: [NetEpic ML] the wimpy rad bomb

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 17:03:15 -0400


The rules are as Hellreich describes, fortresses have a save of 2+ on 2d6, you shoot at troops within at a -2 penalty to hit and if hit they get a save of 4+ to avoid damage due to the fortresses protection.

In the Imperator as it stands if it is unshielded the rad-bomb would hit on a 3+ and the troops hit in the bastion would be removed. The fortress rules do not apply to the Imperator. They do not need to because you cant fire at troops in the bastion anyway only close combat them.

The only thing that needs clearing is that weapons that ignore cover can affect troops in the bastion IF unshielded.


  Do you have the same rules I have I'm sure you do the fortifiaction rules say the complex has a save throw of 2+ on 2D6 as opposed to the 4+ of normal building. All stands that are depolyed or in a strong hold, (bunker has same rule) addition to the -2 to hit mod they have in normal building, get a save of 4+. This save is not cummulative, but if the stand has a better save value it may be used instead. Funny you should say that I am all wet just put the cover on my pool LOL :-). You are the one who's not reading all the rules.

  now you want to change their 2D6 save your all wet
Received on Sun Sep 17 2000 - 21:03:15 UTC

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