Re: [NetEpic ML] the wimpy rad bomb

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 15:35:42 -0400


This is precisely why the occupant should be vulnerable to it when the Imperator has no shields, its not a sure thing. It needs to land on the titan and then hit on a 3+ for those troops in the bastions only, the troops up abpve are immune.

When you realize all that is involved the troops in the imperator's bastions are well protected without making them immune.

IN the case of the mega-gargant any or the onboard troops may be affected if hit on a 3+ by a rad-bomb because there are no overly protected areas like in the Imperator.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: quester
  To: netepic
  Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 2:44 PM
  Subject: [NetEpic ML] the wimpy rad bomb

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  Hi guys

  i just looke at the rules for the rad bomb it doesnot hit everything under it !!!!!!!!!

  it hits things under it on a roll of 3+ , with a wimpy -1 save mod. yea its a 12cm blast but its no big badass weapon like you all talk it up as

  it will miss the whole dam titan 1/3 of the time lol LOL even if its under the template.......LOL

  it has to be the worst one shot missile in the

  go for it roll to hit the troops in the Imp.titan give them there 4+2D6 armor save(that they have ) and blacken some paint in the titan if you can LOL

  what a pitiful weapon you need to give it something LOL

  no wonder you guys want this so much

  hell go for the flame weapons to the same way, roll to hit , 4+2d6 armor save, and burn some paint have fun

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