Slann victorious again?

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 10:06:07 +0200


        Second game of testing Slann 4.0 this time against the might of the

        The Forces:

        Gravguard Compnany
        Necron Assault Company x2
        Necron Nemesis MBT Detachment
        Vanguard Detachment
        Razor Fang Titan

        Rough Rider Company
        Beastmen Company
        Artillery Company
        Shadowblade Company
        Forward Observers
        Ordinarius Armageddon
        Ordinarius Golgotha
        Sentinel Detachmen x5
        Deathstrike battery armed with Vortex missiles.
        Commisars X4

        The Battlefield (seen form setupsone A)

        Setupsone A:
        Town on the left side, two hills on the right.

        Hill on the left side, town in the middle and another hill on the
far right.

        Setupsone B:
        Woods on the left side, town to the right.

        We had a continous town/city streching diagonally across the
tabletop from the left corner of setupsone A to the right corner of
setupsone B. It contained mostly whole buildings and a couple of ruins in
the in the center of the Town.

        We placed the victory points on the hills and in the buildings and
ruins in the cental sone.

        We where all set to go!

        After 5 rerolls I got to choose setupsona and picked A

        I placed the one roughider detacment on the right side, supported by
a Shadowblade and a commissar. In the middle I placed the Beastmen,
supported by 2 detachments of sentinels, 2 commisars and the command
Shadowblade. On the left I placed the remaining Roughriders, 2 detachments
of sentinels, the last shadowblade and the deathstrikes. The artillery was
placed behind the hill on the right, protected by a detachment of sentinels,
with the ordinarius vehicles on the top of the hill overlooking the entire
battlefield. The forward observers was placed in the center close to a
building that would give them a viewe of most of the field.

        I planned to use the Roughriders/Beastmenn to capture 4 objective
points, using the sentinels and shadowblades as firesupport. The artillery
and the Armageddon should first breake the Gravguard, then concentrate on
the necron assaults/vanguards. The deatstrikes should be used to take out
buildings filled with enemy troops. The Golgotha was to concentrate on
taking out the Razor Fang with the nova cannon.

        Rune placed his Titan on the far Right in the outskirts of the city
overlooking almost half the battlefield and directly opposite of my
ordinarius vehicles. He also placed 2 necron detachments and a gravguard
detachment there. In the center he placed a necron detachment, the
vanguards, the Nemesis and a detachment of gravguards. The rest of his
troops where placed in the woods on the left side of the board.

        Rune can fill you inn on this........????

        TURN 1:
        Rune won the initiative (In all my games against rune I've only won
the initiative once in the first turn!!!!!!!!!) Half the Necrons surged
forward using their warp jump capability to occupy the hills on the flanks,
the other half moved into support possition on the backside of the hills out
of harms way. The grav guards in the center and on the right moved into good
first fire possitions, while the detachment of the left stayed hidden in the
woods. The Vanguards took up position in a building in the centre of town
with good line of sight to most of the board! the Nemesis rolling up in the
street beside the building. The Titan remained on first fire prepared to
rain death on the unfortunate Imperials.

        The sound for charge was given and the roughriders on both flanks
charget up the hills to attack the necron invaders! In the center a wave of
beastmen ran from cover to cover charging through the streets towards the
enemy lines. Two commisars and a detachment of sentinels engaged the
Vanguards in close combat (not all of the vanguards was placed inside the
building) The sentitnels and the Shadowblade on the left advanced up behind
the calvalry and preperd to kill off any surviving necrons.

        Then the Titan fired, blasting away at the Shadowblades destroying
one and crippeling the command tank. Then the Imperials fired up their big
guns Raining death over the Slann troops. The gravguards got the worst of
it, almost breaking the company (1 stand short!!!!). The Titan luckily made
his shield save from the full onslaught of the Nova Cannon, or it would have
been a heap of smoldering metal.

        Then the fighting on the hills began. The roughriders where no match
for the slann assault troops, so by the end of the turn, both hills where
more or less controlled by the Slann. In the center one commisar fought
valiantly to a draw against a vanguard (this should come to be a
disadvantage for me in the second turn, although it hindered the vanguards
to move further!) On advance fire the nemesis tanks killed the remaining
Shadowblade and put the shadowblade commander out of his misery.

        Score: Slann 34 Imperials 10 ???

        TURN 2:
        Second rount the imperials won the initiative, using the remainig
roughriders to attack the necorns on both hills. The Slann on the other hand
attacked the a beastmen detachment in the center, and to move up more troops
into the close combat on the right flank. The Gravguards covardly withdrew
from imperial line of sight. However, the third detachment moved forward
from the wood to hide in safety behind the left hill, or so the
thought....... The Nemesis advanced forward into better fire posistions, and
the titan remained on first fire. The Beastmen turned left and moved up to
the foot of the left hill preparing to charge the hill in the next turn.

        The nova cannon firerd against the Titan, and
MISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The titan retaliated fiering back at the
Golgotha, not able to harm the Golgotha the Titan was lucky enough to kill
of two bassilisks with its template plasma weapon. Then the Vortex missiles
struck. One killing an entire detachment of necrons in a building in the
centre of the board also containing a victory point. The secon killed a
nemesis tank (this was planned to take out the Vanguards, but I couldn't do
that since a Commisar was still locket in mortal combat with a vanguard
inside the building) The third missile took out those unfortunate Gravguards
hiding behind the hill. A second Nemesis was also destroyed by artilery
fire. The close combat on the right was won by the Necrons, in the centre
and the right the reslut of the close combat was a tie.

        I wasted several shots from the Armageddon and the Artillery on the

        Score: Slann 48 Imperials 21

        Slann won again!

        Die rolls!!!!!!!!!! I was very unfortunate this time (I seem to be
that quite often when playing against the Slann) The Nemesis in the middle
made its repair roll if it hadn't done that, the score would have been 43 -
30 (Rune quite often have good luck with the dice and this time was no
exception). I guess that if we had played another round I would have had a
fair chance of beating Slann!!! Charging the vanguards was a suicide
mission, the commisars wasn't supposed to survive, yet one did and that
secured the Vanguards survival, thats another 5 points (For a total of 44 -
35). I was very close to beat the slann this time, + IG has got som very
powerfull weapons themselves!!!!! The Razor Fang is not that dangerous when
placed on the far side of the board (just keep the number of targets to a
minimum if possible). The Mechs are much more dangerous.........

        More testing on it's way, we'll try to get a game going against
Chaos and Orks in the future......

        I guess we are getting there with Slann balance also.... The breake
quite easily.......

        Ok Comments? Questions??

Received on Mon Oct 09 2000 - 08:06:07 UTC

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