RE: [Net Epic ML] Slann battle reports and analysis

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 12:23:54 -0400


-----Original Message-----
From: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 4:25 AM
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Slann battle reports and analysis

Hi Peter,

Great report! One thing though, will this mean that Raider CAF is reduced to
+2 and the lord to + 6 or does these stats remain unchanged?

Yes, stats go down accordingly to guarantee balance, raiders are +2 now and
the Necron lords +7 should be +6 or even +5.

Eivind and I have scheduled 3000 pts a game for thursday. We will use your
new CAF and Jump rules, in addition we will test Eivinds suggestion of
rolling for each detachment, rather than stand, under the nullify tewmplate.

Good let me know how it goes.

As for the second game, I think the Slann would have been better of taking
another company card (Gravguard/Spawnguard???), reduceing the number of
Support Cards.

Yup, sounds like a better mix, I think they need the extra punch they

Received on Mon Oct 16 2000 - 16:23:54 UTC

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