RE: [Net Epic ML] Re: [Net Epic ML] Battle report Squat vs. Necron 3000 points
--- In, "Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_b...> wrote:
> Hi!
> Nice battle report and pictures and will get this on the Epicentre
at some
> point.
--->Use it as you want, but I would like to insert Nils' debriefing
before it gets on the web site
Good I'll wait to make it complete.
> Comments
--->Thanks! It is always usefull to learn what kind of tactics others
The with bikes and CC in general during this battle was that I had to
move into CC with the necron inf with my inf as the OPs where in
buildings. I could off course have waited until turn 2, maybe I do
that next time...
You know you could have annihilated him without much close combat if this
was the case, no body blows up buildings like squats, you could have gone
for the buildings and made him roll many attempts to regenerate. Once
buildings are rubble then you can use your bikes since they can go in
rubble! If you only had a goliath cannon, that would have changed the whole
game I think, because he has two options, hide in buildings and die (nobody
beats the goliath in building busting!) or keep outside of them and get
swarmed by bikes or picked off. Remember use you strengths against him, on
the flip side buildings are great places for you to hide because slann have
no effective building killers.
The bikes couldn't reach ANY foe on their first turn, then they where
stopped by the mantis missiles. :(
That's the point, unless he over extends himself you won't hit him in turn
one, move less of your charge move, hide behind buildings in groups for turn
one then strike in turn two. Your a squat commander you need to know the
virtue of patience!! Remember he can't win without breaking some of your
units. Use that against him, time is on YOUR side not the slann, he needs a
quick victory before attrition destroys his capability to attack. Once that
happens (turn 3) its all over for him, he can defend but not retaliate.
> This is what I have learned in defeating the Necron:
> 1. Never get in a shooting match with them you will lose. Squat are
a quite
> shooty army but nobody can go toe to toe with the Necrons this way.
When you
> do shoot go for units like tanks and knights, yes I know they
> but remember they don't fire back that turn, this is key. Every
turn their
> expensive units don't fire is bad for the Necron.
> 2. Get up close and personal-FAST!! You had the units to do it but
> use them effectively. You had to charge you bikes at the Necron
knights and
> tanks NOT the infantry. Even with fields the CAF of knights and
vehicles are
> lousy, your bikes would have slaughtered them, more importantly no
> regeneration! Another tactic good for squats was the use of moles
> termites, but again don't make a bee line for the Necron infantry,
go for
> tanks, knights artillery.
> 3. Shoot at Necron infantry THEN assault it. The squats should
barrage them
> as needed and shoot them, many will come back many will not, the
point is
> the odds are reduced AFTER doing this. Never attack Necron infantry
in the
> first turn when they are intact, its a waste of time and effort.
Shoot them
> up first, then hit them in turn two. In you case you should have
held some
> bikes in reserve, hit hem with the colossus or thunderers if you
had any
> THEN assault on turn two, even with regenerate you would have
> casualties by shooting and thus made it easier to assault.
> The two games last Saturday gave me a lot of insight on how to beat
> slann. I, Squats and marines are probably the best armies to do it
with, but
> you must use some tactics. Soften them up then assault. It works!
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eivind Borgeteien [mailto:eivind.borgeteien_at_i...]
> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 9:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Battlereport Squat vs Necron 3000 points
> Hi!
> I have just uploeded a battlereport to the vault. Hope you all enjoy
> it. Thought it was to big to post the regular way.
> Thank god I have the day off tomorow!
> Goodnight!
> Eivind
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