Re: [NetEpic ML] Virus? we don't need no stinkin virus

From: Andy Michaud <amichaud_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:36:32 -0700

I'm so glad I have a mac :)


chubbybob wrote:
> I had the kak virus when it first came out.. i couldn't find it either its a
> clever little swine.. One indication of this worm--though it does not occur
> on all systems--is the message "Driver or memory error" that appears briefly
> as Windows starts.
> The best way to find it is check your autoexec.bat file.. kak adds a line
> at the end of it that is uses to launch itself.. look for
> 4. Locate and delete the line that reads:
> C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta
> NOTE: Some variants of this worm insert one or both of the following lines
> instead of or in addition to the previous text. If you see either of these
> lines--or any line that refers to kak--then it should be deleted.
> _at_echo off C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta
> Del C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta
> you should also check the register as kak infects that too. it adds the
> following entry
> cAg0u "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\(name).hta"
> You also need to search for any kak.* files on your hard drive..
> Full instructions can be found at
> I cannot tell if you are still infected because your last mail was not HTML
> it is carried in the signature..
> Bob DeAngeliss
Received on Thu Nov 30 2000 - 16:36:32 UTC

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