Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Chaos Question

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 15:51:18 -0500


Actually demons can recieve the boons from chaos cards, deamon engines
cannot. So a greater demon can eother play a card on itself or use it to
save himself. A demon engine can do neither. If a unit happens to be
both like the lord of battles then he cannot use the card effect on
itself but may use the card to avert destruction.


quester wrote:

> --- In, Andy Michaud <amichaud_at_p...> wrote:
>> According to the Chaos rules regarding greater deamons and chaos
> cards
>> "Greater Daemons can draw and use the raw energy of Chaos to protect
>> themselves in battle. To represent this when a Greater Daemon is
> slain
>> (fails an armor save) it may surrender a Chaos card to "negate" the
>> killing blow or shot."
>> Does this mean that chaos cards only protect greater deamons from
>> weapons fire (failed save) can they also be used in close combat?
>> Deamons can t use chaos cards for their efects(CC) only for saves
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