True, at the very least passing one morale test per turn in which
casualties are taken should apply.
Weasel Fierce wrote:
>> suffers additional casualties beyond the turn it actually breaks. A
>> penalty is taken to the morale roll equal to the AMOUNT OF MODELS LOST
> This would make low morale armies (like orks and IG) much too poor.
> Especially orks (when the bastards finally break) would be blasted too badly
> since they have clan breakpoints
> "oh, 8 casualties beyond break point, and morale 4....too bad, now you need
> to roll 12+ on 1d6"
> But I like the idea of a morale test in each turn a broken unit takes
> casualties. After all, they are BROKEN, they have suffered enough casualties
> to cease existing as an effective fighting unit
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Received on Fri Jan 05 2001 - 14:17:43 UTC