RE: [NetEpic ML] Barrages and close combat

From: Trygve Bjørnstad <trygve_at_...>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 15:08:42 +0100

Ok, thanks for clearing this up! Looking forward to that 10K game on

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
  Sent: 2. mars 2001 14:46
  Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Barrages and close combat


  The rules for barrages state that artillery due to its arc may NOT fire at
troops in close combat with it.

  What you are refering to is the "cold blooded" rule, that means ANOTHER
unit may fire its barrage over one of your own units engaged in close
combat. That is, if one contagion is engaged in close combat that particular
one may NOT fire at all, but another contagion which is not engaged may fire
on the first contagion and its attackers since chaos is cold blooded.


  Trygve Bj�rnstad wrote:

    Why is that? (As chaos is allowed to fire barrages in CC)...

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
      Sent: 2. mars 2001 13:43
      Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Barrages and close combat


      Ah, different story then. They would not be able to fire.


      Trygve Bj�rnstad wrote:


        To clear things up. They were contagion plague engines, not

          -----Original Message-----
          From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
          Sent: 2. mars 2001 06:05

          Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Barrages and close combat


          The cauldron of blood is not a "barrage" weapon, its a "flame"
template akin to the hellhound, both of these units may still fire their
"flame" templates even in close combat.

          You are correct about true barrage, artillery weapons cannot fire
when engaged in close combat. Just remembers not all templates are barrage


          quester wrote:

            Hay peter I thought barrage weapons could not fire on units
charging them in cc, inSM and TL this is the rule. did netepic change it???

              Peter Ramos <> wrote:


              Yes, just place the template in its 180 degree arc and try to
fry as
              many assaulters as you can.


              Eivind Borgeteien wrote:

> Hi
> I have a question concerning this.
> In our last game I charged a unit of Couldrons of Blood that
was on
> FF. Can the CoBs use their barrageweapons on the charging
> How is this worked out?
> Eivind
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